Anime News

Tokyo Professor Writes Book on 1,000 Years of Manga
Date: 11/12/2007
In February of 2008, the French publisher Flammarion will release One Thousand Years of Manga, an English translation of a 2007 French book by University of Tokyo professor Brigitte Koyama-Richard on the medium's history. The 240-page hardcover book begins with the wall paintings in Japanese temples and the Emakimono scrolls of the 12th century and covers manga's ongoing global expansion. Koyama-Richard teaches comparative literature and art history, and has written such books as Japon r?v? and Kodomo-e, L'estampe japonaise et l'univers des enfants. Her new book will retail for US$49.95 or C$62.00. The book's German rights have also been sold. Source:
Source: Anime News Network