Anime News

Siegel Heirs Win Another Round Due to Kitchen Comment on Newsarama
Date: 8/13/2009
The heirs of Jerry Siegel have won another round in the court case over the rights to Superman because of a blog comment on Newsarama by long-time publisher and agent Denis Kitchen. The ruling in federal court determined that the Seigel heirs own the rights to Action Comics #4; Superman #1, pages 3-6; and the first two weeks worth of Superman daily newspaper strips. The court had earlier held that the Siegel heirs owned the rights to Action #1 (see ?Siegel Heirs Win Superman Case?).

The expanded ruling arose out of a blog post on Newsarama by Kitchen, in which he revealed that Siegel and collaborator Russel Keaton had produced scripts far in advance of the release of Action #1. As a result of additional evidence presented to the court, the judge ruled that the work in the material listed above was not work for hire, and that the Siegel heirs had successfully recaptured the copyrights.
Source: ICv2