Anime News

Manga About Victim of Korean Kidnapping
Date: 12/23/2004
Manga Akushon (Manga Action) will be releasing a second manga about Japanese nationals that were kidnapped from Japan by the North Korean Government. The 9-part "Megumi" will focus on Megumi Yokota, a 13-year-old that was kidnapped from Northern Japan in 1977.

This is the second manga series about the kidnapping victims published by Manga Akushon. The first series, "Dakkan" (Rescue), featured the story of Kaoru Hasuike, who retuned to Japan in 2002. The manga was based on the book written by Hasuike's brother. Hasuike's children were released from North Korean when the manga was released in Japan/

North Korea admitted to kidnapping thirteen Japanese residents in the 1970s in order to have them trainKorean. Eight of the thirteen have returned to Japan, while Korea claims that the remaining five, including Megumi, died in Korea. Earlier this year, human remains that Korea claimed were Megumi's were found to be those of two unidentified individuals. Many in Japan, including her parents, believe that Megumi may still be alive and hope that this manga will lead to her return home.
Source: Anime News Network