Anime News

K-Pop Show Goes On After Dancer Faints On Stage
Date: 8/22/2006
FNN reports Korea's SBS TV was flooded with viewer complaints of anger and outrage Sunday following a female dancer's sudden collapse during concert performed on a music program being shown on the network. The protests stem from the fact that the concert and broadcast continued as if nothing had happened despite the fallen backup dancer's convulsions and apparant expressions of great pain as she lie writhing on the stage. The main members of the group continued their performaces as usual even as they can be seen to be looking directly at their fallen dancer. Other backup dancers can be seen to be more concerned for the girl's condition and one eventually comes to her aide followed by several male staff who haul the dancer of stage. Through all of this the concert continued as if all was normal. You can view video of the event at the above link and higher res video here.
Source: Anime News Service