Anime News

TMF3 Fund to Support Anime
Date: 3/2/2005
Billion Yen Fund to Support Small and Medium Content Production Companies in Anime and Other Fields.

Japan Digital Content (JDC), in cooperation with the Organization for Small & Medium Enterprises and Regional Innovation (SMRJ), announced that it will establish the "Third Tokyo Multimedia Fund investment project limited liability association of small and medium enterprises content support fund" (TMF3) to help small and medium companies finance multimedia content projects.

The fund will be available for animation projects, as well as other areas such as software and printed media.

SMRJ and JDC each contribute 500 million yen for a fund total of 1 billion yen (US$9.5 million).

TMF3's funds will be available for financing, investment and a combination of financing and investment, depending on the needs of the production company.

In Japan content is mostly created by small and medium enterprises. The companies, while being very skilled and creative, suffer from lack of funds. Most work as subcontractors for larger companies. By providing funds to promote and developer content projects, also supporting marketing and sale, TMF3 will support company growth, while mapping the activities of Japan's content industry.

Copyrights on projects funded by TMF3 will generally reside with the production company.

The fund is expected to grow as investments are repaid from the profits made on the projects.
Source: Anime News Network