Anime News

Totoro Lawn Art
Date: 11/2/2005
The Daily Tohoku reports a PTA has produced lawn art associated to Hayao Miyazaki's My Neighbor Totoro in the yards of five households and the schoolyard of a local elementary school in Japan. The theme is the cat bus from the film. The size of the art produced is 50 meters in width and 40 meters in length. The outline was drawn with vinyl tape in the first ten days of October, and fertilizer was added along the line.? As a result, the part where the fertilizer was laid gradually turned blue. Production was postponed because the state of turf was bad last year though this school made the schoolyard a lawn in 2001 managed by the "Mowing corps" organized by PTA etc. The plan was to produce lawn art at the same time each year. The character for "Welcome Home" was added under the picture of the cat bus.
Source: Anime News Service