Anime News

JTBUSA Tokyo Anime Fair Tour
Date: 1/17/2007
JTBUSA travel agency is organizing a tour to Tokyo, Japan between Mar. 22 - Mar. 29, 2007 for the Tokyo International Anime Fair. Speaking from personal experience, this is an event that all people interested in the work of this site and anime and manga fans in general should not miss. The itnenerary will include the following excusions: A exclusive Akihabara tour with SPECIAL GUEST, Mr.Nobuyuki Takahashi, President of Studio Hard Deluxe, Atereko (Dubbing) Experience in Shinjuku, Nakano Mandarake, Visiting JAPAN COSPLAY FESTIVAL at TOSHIMAEN, and of course the Anime Fair itself. The 8 day, 6 night trip includes air & land transport New York from $1,400.00 or just land transport if you can make it to Tokyo on your own, from $800. An optional side tour to the Ghibli Museum will be available for $60 extra.
Source: Anime News Service