Anime News

2006's Most Popular Anime In France
Date: 1/23/2007
This past summer, French anime magazine Animeland polled 1067 of its readers in a number of areas to rank their top anime releases over 2006. In The DVD Category the ranking was: 1. MONSTER, 2. NARUTO, 3. Samurai Champloo, 4. Count of Monte Cristo, 5. BECK. For best classic series (broadcast before July, 2005): 1. Full Metal Alchemist, 2. Saint Seiya, 3. Cowboy Bebop, 4. Love Hina, 5. Gundam SEED. The top 5 Movies: 1. Final Fantasy AC, 2. Howl's Moving Castle, 3. Princess Mononoke, 4. Spirited Away, 5. My Neighbor Totoro. The top theme songs: 1. Melissa (Full Metal Alchemist), 2. HIT IN THE USA (BECK), 3. Rewrite (Full Metal Alchemist), 4. Pegasus Fantasy (Saint Seiya), 5. Inner Universe (GITS:SAC), 5. Battle Cry (Samurai Champ Loo). The top male character: 1. Edward Elric (Full Metal Alchemist), 2. Ryo (City Hunter), 3. Onizuka Eikichi (GTO), 4. Naruto, 5. Spike Spiegel (Cowboy Bbeop). Top Female Character: 1. Naru Narusegawa (Love Hina), 2. Toru Honda (Fruits Basket), 3. Faye Valentine (Cowboy Bebop), 4. Kusanagi (Ghost in the Shell), 5. Kinomoto Sakura (Card Captor Sakura). In the Noteworthy Work category: 1. BLEACH, 2. Saint Seiya Zodiac, 3. NANA, 4. Full Metal Alchemist Movie, 5. Ergo Proxy
Source: Anime News Network