Anime News

Wine Manga Gets 'Times' Write-up Influences Wine Sales
Date: 10/23/2008
The New York Times talked to the creators of the manga The Drops of the Gods (Kami no Shizuku) for the Dining and Wine section of Wednesday?s edition. Yuko and Shin Kibayashi, the brother and sister team that create the series under the name Tadashi Agi, told the Times of their love for wine and how it comes through in their work.

The manga series, published in Japan by Kodansha, follows the story of the son and adopted son of a famous wine critic and their growing knowledge of wine. It has become influential on wine sales, especially in Japan and Korea, where vintages mentioned in the stories immediately see a sales spike. There are 17 trade paperback collections of the title in Japan.

The only non-Asian market where the title is available to date is France.
Source: ICv2