Anime News

Studio Dithers Over 'Torso' Decision Due Before the 15th
Date: 12/8/2008
Have the tough economic times begun to have a chilling effect on Hollywood studios even though movie attendance remains strong? EW?s ?Hollywood Insider? is reporting that Paramount is dithering over a decision on whether or not to greenlight Ness, a feature film based on Brian Michael Bendis and Marc Andreyko?s Image Comics series Torso, in spite of the fact that an all-star cast has been assembled on both sides of the camera. Stylish helmer David Fincher (Se7en, Fight Club, Zodiac) is reportedly ready to start lensing this crime thriller about Al Capone?s nemesis Elliot Ness, with a cast that includes Matt Damon, Casey Affleck, and Rachel McAdams.

According to the Insider, Paramount has just received a final script from Ehren Kruger (The Ring) and will make its decision before its option runs out on December 15th. Paramount put together the basic screen package for Bendis? intriguing true crime comic back in 2006 (see ?Torso Heads for the Big Screen?).
Source: ICv2